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The Journey to a Sustainable Future- Five million Green Entrepreneurs By 2030.

Have you tried to take a quick drive into the future of our planet? Are we going to have clean seas, breathe quality air, have sustainable biodiversity and environment in the next ten, fifteen, twenty or thirty years from now?


We can honestly answer these predictive questions. We are not walking the path to a sustainable future. We are deliberately or inadvertently destroying the planet that has given us an environment to survive and prosper socially and economically.


As individuals, private sectors, government, organisations and communities, our activities trample on the ability of the future generation to meet their own environmental needs. Must we continue to treat mother earth in this way?


The current Climate Crisis has shown us the grave consequences of our actions, and we must effect lasting change from 2022. The only way we can undo the crisis is to implement sustainable climate action worldwide, and change must begin from everyone across the planet NOW!


In 2020, we began a climate action project, “Solution17 for Climate Action in Africa’.  𝐈𝐧 that year, Art for Climate Change was founded and launched by United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed. In 2021, Naija Climate Now opened A Virtual Climate Art Gallery - The Art was to generate awareness for our climate action initiatives in Nigeria and worldwide.


The Green Entrepreneurs


In 2022 came the game-changer. We set out to create the desired future innovatively, where humans can improve the economy with business activities, technology, and innovation without harming our dear planet. In September 2021, we made our first announcement to create five million Green Entrepreneurs by September 2030.


We have deployed specific strategies to ensure that we achieve our target. The first is Strategic Community Development. We are creating various vibrant communities of innovators, skilled entrepreneurs, and creative thinkers in different sectors of the economy who would take action for the planet. Technology-driven communities which would leverage innovation and technology to solve global problems. These are The Green Entrepreneurs.


Recently, we closed a partnership with the Country Director of Knauf, a German multinational company, presently one of the world's leading manufacturers in the construction sector and the biggest supplier of plasterboards and plasters in Africa. The partnership centres on the Knauf project to empower construction artisans and engineers with the right skills needed to make them experts in their field. This measure will reduce unemployment, raise their standard of living and combat poverty, thereby attaining SDG one, two, eight and thirteen. The first 2,000 entrepreneurs would be the early members of our sustainable construction community, and we'll also identify more green entrepreneurs in other sectors.


To this end, we will begin onboarding over 20,000 Green Entrepreneurs on our tech platform from March 2022. Our tech platform is our innovative marketplace which hosts the various green communities and our stakeholders. It would be a one-stop-shop where our entrepreneurs can exhibit their skills, get jobs and solve problems for organisations, individuals and communities. The platform will also host and engage our partners and collaborators.


The project will broadly impact the economy of our immediate communities and the world as we move towards the actualisation of the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals.


The creation process of this Journey to a Sustainable Future has begun.


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